January 13, 2008

Too Good to be titled :)

Other than the rare sight of a baby sleeping on a really cozy piece of bread instead of having her breakfast, I think this picture has a more lively presence.. if i were some where near by this small sleeping angel.. I would have heard a million testimonies and songs of joy that each light ray will be singing aft hitting and reflecting off that lovely skin of hers. Like plunging into a river of eternity... those rays were lucky enough to hit this blessed child surrounded by angels from heaven... and they seemed more bright like they have regained their youth..
I've always been astonished by the amount of life and e unique inviting charm of infancy she has on her face even when she was fast asleep...

Last but not the least... Hats off to the photographer.. :-)


The Mortal dedicates this post to You... Its entirely Yours. ;)

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