December 22, 2007

Melancholy *its all about balance* :)

In the light of that dusky moment when i left behind some real memories in a place where i probably wouldn't go back again in my life... i was stricken by that cruel element i hate.! that very element everyone hates- Sadness. sadness... we would never know when it is gonna start or when its gonna bother us. Before cursing it, i started thinking why this happens in life. why these unpleasant moments... well my inner self answered my question somewhat like this.

All of us know one thing- If there is happiness there is sadness too. but some of us just ignore the fact that, happiness exists only if sadness or melancholy has its existence. If not for sadness, people just wouldn't know when happiness hits them. well... needless to say... happiness is simply the opposite word for sadness. so there is a balance formed here. just like we have Oxygen n carbon dioxide in the atmosphere we live in, I believe, a person should experience sadness to experience happiness in it's full flavor. flavors can be tasted and categorized only if each one has its bitter counterpart.. i believe so.

This can be approached the other way round.! we can even say a human being can only experience melancholy if he had experienced happiness. but this fact is so evident in our lives coz, we really cant forget those moments when our happiness comes to a sad end which we never expected to happen.! whenever a dream is broken, whenever a good thing comes to an end etc. this very fact, we discuss among ourselves too. But what bout the other side?

During grief, we always expect happiness to take over.! at the same time, when we are happy we never hope or expect for sadness to come in. BUT there is always a balance between these two states in our lives. we would never even dare to expect sadness. we cant ever do that... it wont ever look good when we expect some bad news when we are at somebody's wedding. we are humans... so, some of the things, nature has its own triggers... those virtual triggers which can be only touched by God's Good Hands.

well, i didn't mean to say, there will be a opposite state to whatever happy state we are in... just wanted to say that, there are no hidden laws in nature. its just opened up in front of us... and i think one of them is the thing i just discussed about... the perfect balance between Bliss and Sadness, though we work HARD for the former and work even harder to avoid the latter.! :)

So, do Cry when grief strikes... dun pretend ur happy.
Keep smiling when u are blissful :) you never know when its gonna be timed out and grief strikes you.

okay... enuf of this topic.. i have wrote a bit too long, but couldn't help it... signing off for nw... Take carez

God bless

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.