DATE: 02-08-2025: Time 8.31 am
Raldo woke up half past 8 that day since he slept pretty late after his wife gave him a small party at 12 am earlier that day.. its been like that from the start, his wife Chrisa would give gifts and cut the cake when the special day starts and same happens for her birthday.
Now Raldo has a unique habit of zooming and crunching into his past in his mind when he is not focused on anything. Needless to mention, now, this morning was a very good stage for it as it was a holiday and his wife was busy preparing breakfast- a very special food for him for the special day. He got up, prayed and stuck his eyes on the wall which gave him no bright relfection or radiance, appeared as pale as it can be. Well, Raldo went into his past. Past as in 10 years back in time. His memory slowly cracked open like a chocolate wrapper and ........ there he goes.
Time spiraled 10 years back in front of his eyes, his heart started beating a little faster.
Well he was 30 years back then. Working in an outsourcing company, Raldo was rolling with his job but not so excited about his monthly pay package which was just enough for living the life where he worked. Life went on with laughs, cries, happiness, disappointments, days and nights.. good food and bad food.. good air and bad air, rain and scorching heat, smiles and frowns, journeys, few good friends, some not so good friends.. some who judged him heavily, few who encouraged him...
Some burdens he put on his shoulders with his consent and some he got from others. Most of his troubles had root from his own actions, thoughts and his words. Life was going on as an express train of bad decisions as bogies. The engine was tired of pulling these heavy bad choices and decisions Raldo took.
Overlooking the whole lot of mess in his life with enormous sarcasm, he would rise up everyday with some false hopes and shaky faith. Went through the day seeing what other do and seeing how others handle their stuff. Counting the blessings others had while he didn't. Well not saying he was completely negative about his direction of journey, but he didn't know who he really was and what he was supposed to do.
So yeah, he doesnt know the bigger picture, at this juncture, only God knows that. If we compare his life with a railway station, he was a passenger waiting for his train on the platform with all the comforts a railway station platform can offer but doesnt know clearly which train is best for his destination... Worse still, he had a few destinations in his mind about which he knew nothing about.
Today, 15-08-2015.
Raldo sitting in office with foggy mind. He was overhearing his colleagues talking with great excitement and frolic after they interviewed one 40 yr old guy for a comparatively junior position for his age, clearly they were amused at a couple of things... Raldo's interest in this conversation heightened when he knew more about the 40 yr old.....
... to be continued
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